After many hours of discussion between myself and the girls, it was agreed that the St Bernard would be the dog of choice for becoming our personal secretary. We feel he'd be organised, efficient and punctual. He'd keep on top of the payment of bills, arrange for our cars to be cleaned, our shopping to be delivered and bring us the odd cup of tea (with a good selection of biscuits, of course). But I do worry that his telephone manner may be too brusque for answering non-work related calls from friends and family? Whereas this chap...
Sunday, 16 January 2011
You rang m'lord?
After many hours of discussion between myself and the girls, it was agreed that the St Bernard would be the dog of choice for becoming our personal secretary. We feel he'd be organised, efficient and punctual. He'd keep on top of the payment of bills, arrange for our cars to be cleaned, our shopping to be delivered and bring us the odd cup of tea (with a good selection of biscuits, of course). But I do worry that his telephone manner may be too brusque for answering non-work related calls from friends and family? Whereas this chap...
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