Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Cat hair fashion


It's the time of year when I get huge brushfulls of hair from Miss Marple every single day. That poor beast has a very thick coat. I've often thought I could easily knit myself an actual coat from the cat hair. Or at the very least, a beret or something? I'd be the talk of the town. But in a bad way. A very bad way. So for now I'll just collect it in little piles before someone sees it and chucks it out.

Foot stalkers and poo spoons

With bag! Where do I sign?

Check out this bottom care website for the latest in bum wipers and telescopic things to see the soles of your feet, or your bum. What clever gadgets! With bag!

tea bag bother

"I said I wanted Lapsang souchong. With two sugars"

I signed up to get two free tea bags from Twinings. I spent ages choosing and then when they arrived they were the wrong flavours. Disappointing. Anyway, that was ages ago and since then I've had an email from them (I am in their email club) saying I can sign up for another free tea bag. It's been about three months now and still no tea bag has arrived. VERY disappointing.

Gardening -yeah!

Spot the sneaky apple!

A Jasmine delight

A while back I dug up an unsightly, overgrown bush in the garden. Now look at the joy. All this planting business is very exciting. Here are some highlights...

Geraniums from a car boot sale

Good cakes, crap weather

As expected the weather was horrible for the cream tea garden party. But we still dressed up, ate too much and had a lovely time whilst utilising my fine-ish china. I particularly enjoyed pouring the milk through a china cows mouth. It's the way forward.

Hello again

I haven't done this blog in ages. Mostly because I am lazy but also because I forget it exists. I know it's not the done thing in Blog circles but I will now just do a load of back dated blogs to get up to speed and pretend I'm interesting.