Monday, 27 September 2010

New tin alert! Oh lamby!

Yes, another brilliant new tin has been purchased. It is definitely in my top three. Soon I am going to see if I will be allowed to display all my tins somewhere in the house. It's a crime not to.

Alan Sugar

Look at Alan Sugar as a younger man. What a classic!

Thursday, 23 September 2010

It's not all cats, cats, cats

Actually it mainly is. But here are some other things we saw on holiday. I don't want to be home!!

Carrots and coffee. That classic combo.

A lovely display of t-shirts and seals for sale

Nice view

A beautiful village I can't remember the name of

Inside a weird folk museum

Lovely waters. Unless you are Sam.
(He's previously been attacked
by an angry squid and prodded by a sad lobster. This year Sam was nipped by a tiny fish. It made his toe bleed)

Skopolos = cat land




Funny face


Clean feet

Holidayed on the Greek island of Skopolos - an island where you can't walk two meters without seeing another gorgeous cat. I was like a Pied Piper to the cats (mainly due to having a bag of cat biscuits on me at all times) and I made many a good friend, including two 'they could be models!' kittens who lived at our apartment. They didn't stop hissing at me - ferels! - but on the last day one sat on my foot and after I left our door open at night one slept on our chair and another behind the microwave. I'd made a breakthrough. But I miss them so much. It breaks my heart.

Time for a holiday

Just before I went on holiday I was coming back late from work when I saw someone reading this on the tube. I was like 'Ha! See you later commuter slaves. I'm off on holiday!' But now I'm back at work and feeling bummed out. But the holiday was brilliant. Pics to follow.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Fever hooRay

One banana
Two banana, three banana, four
Four bananas make a bunch, and so do many more

Saw Fever Ray at Brixton yesterday. Amazing. Through the smoke you could just make out Fever Ray wearing a crazy headpiece that sometimes made her look like a giant dragon lizard and sometimes like one of the Banana Splits. The band dressed like old men with hunchbacks, and danced like they were digging their own graves. Kind of scary but brilliant all the same.

Oh deers

They sent this scout to check us out first
Then they all came

There we were, minding our own business, eating our tasty picnic in Richmond Park, when a whole load of deer came to take a drink in the stream. It was brilliant!

Oh dear

Yes, I need such a big plaster!

When you get to my age it seems that even the simplest things can be very dangerous. I managed to fall over (perhaps over my own feet) whilst I was out running. The consequences are a black eye and painful cuts to my knee, shoulder, elbow and head. How ridiculous!

ps) does my hand usually look like a wrinkled old rag?